
Resource Productivity Innovation is the "Next Industrial Revolution”

April 3, 2015

We’ve captured the most important investment themes in corporate sustainability from twelve major corporations and investors, including: 3M, BASF, Monsanto, Thermo Fisher Scientific,...

Portland Taps Its Own Water Pipes for Power

March 3, 2015

20-year deal to generate ~$2 million in renewable energy from drinking water infrastructure launches using the LucidPipe Power System.

Major Financial Commitments to Cleantech & Sustainability

March 3, 2015

Citigroup earmarks $100B for cleantech and environmental finance; Deutsche Bank to purchase $1B in green bonds; Google pumps $300M in solar fund for residential solar projects.

How is DBL Investors Targeting Their New $350M Cleantech VC Fund?

January 31, 2015

DBL’s Cynthia Ringo reveals her top 2014 disappointments, biggest successes, the cleantech sectors gaining market traction, corporate partnerships, and niche sectors she will be...

Top Trends in Corporate Sustainability, Partnerships, & Investment in 2015

January 31, 2015

Big data, the “circular economy”, new metrics, and innovative financing is changing how corporations are investing in sustainability, says leaders from American Water, Novelis,...

Cleantech & Sustainable Innovation to “Usher in Great Change”

January 23, 2015  |  1 Comment

Which sustainable innovations are transforming oil and gas? What solutions are ready to scale at the corporate level? VC Wal Van Lierop of Chrysalix shares the trends and predictions...

Distributed Generation: Three Renewable Industry Shifts to Watch for in 2015

January 12, 2015  |  1 Comment

CEO of global clean energy project developer UGE, Nick Blitterswyk, outlines key distributed generation trends, his firm’s latest projects, and offers a prediction for distributed...

Agriculture Technology Draws Interest from Major Corporates in Funds & Partnerships

December 18, 2014

Corporate-backed funds, incubators and partnerships are driving a big increase in investment towards AgTech startups that boost food production, reduce waste, and make farms smarter.

Top Sustainability Conferences in 2015 You Should Have on Your Radar

December 13, 2014

We’ve highlighted six conferences for those wishing to mingle with hot cleantech startups as well as brush up on emerging trends in sustainable innovation.

Greater Awareness of Global Water Risk Attracting Capital

November 16, 2014

Corporations increasingly realize that water risk is a priority and have elevated its importance in the boardroom. With greater water investment by corporates, increased regulation,...