Three Water Tech Startups Seeking Venture Capital Funding
U.S. DOE-backed water startups in the areas of ceramic filters, membranes, and desalination that have industry traction are seeking funding and strategic partners to commercialize...
U.S. DOE-backed water startups in the areas of ceramic filters, membranes, and desalination that have industry traction are seeking funding and strategic partners to commercialize...
P2 Science, a startup that converts biomass into flavors, fragrances, and other specialty chemicals received funding from Elm Street Ventures and Connecticut Innovations.
As we enter a new hackathon season, CleanTechIQ scoured the past year's contests to bring you the cream of the cleanweb hackathons - the ideas that spawned real companies, from crowdsourced...
The new fund, called Global Water Development Partners, will invest hundreds of millions of dollars in desalination and wastewater treatment projects to help emerging market countries...
Boston startup Loci Controls announced it raised its first seed round to finance the commercialization of the company’s hardware and software-enabled landfill gas-to-energy technology.
A Harvard University research team has made a leap in the search for a new class of batteries - a metal-free flow battery could unlock new ways to store electricity on power grids.
Having raised $200K in seed funding and poised to announce a major pilot program this month, Sealed is embarking on the next great frontier in energy efficiency – single family homes....
Battery maker receives a $1 million award from NYSERDA, which it will use to ramp up manufacturing of its low-cost zinc hybrid cathode (ZnythTM) battery technology.
The ARPA-E success story, which recently began negotiating contracts with customers, is seeking a total of $18 million in Series B venture funding for its innovative electrical grid...