There’s Money in the Water Technology Market
8 Experts, 2 Panels, 1 Conclusion: Water investments are about to pay off.
8 Experts, 2 Panels, 1 Conclusion: Water investments are about to pay off.
A new report linking an Oklahoma earthquake in 2011 to wastewater resulting from hydraulic fracturing could spur new rules for the industry.
Vista’s New Waste to Energy Plant; 2 Sexy EVs; Mascoma’s strange IPO Saga; Can Europe rescue cap-and-trade?; IMF: Fossil Fuels Squander Subsidies.
The money, part of the state’s NY-Sun initiative, will add 52 megawatts to New York’s solar power capacity.
New and established government programs will endure to fund cleantech startups, even as stimulus funding dries up. Which ones should early stage cleantech investors be familiar with?
Successful innovation only looks obvious in hindsight. Nest founder Matt Rogers discusses how to innovate when it’s hard.
The fundings will go toward the development of technologies that shift cars and trucks off oil and energy efficient manufacturing.
The fund will seek to invest $25,000 to $20 million in three-to-five seed stage companies per year across the globe.
The fund plans to take advantage of the shale boom in the U.S.
Early Silver Spring investor tells VCs to get smarter.