
Navigant: Smart Grid Market Set to Boom

June 14, 2013

Transmission upgrades are driving major growth in smart grid revenue from an already well-established base.

Cleanweb Companies Attract Big Data and Big Money

June 7, 2013

Cleanweb insiders: It’s not too late to invest in “the most powerful technology of our lifetimes.”

Leaders, Laggards and Surprises in State Cleantech Rankings

June 7, 2013

A new report analyzes cleantech leadership by state, covering investment and new patents.

LEDs Lead in Lighting Efficiency

June 7, 2013

As price and quality issues are addressed, LED lighting is set to burn incandescents in the fixture market.

VC’s Weigh In on Collaborative Consumption’s Growing Pains

May 31, 2013

Venture investors in the sharing economy reveal how they decipher real problems from temporary ones.

Better Place: EV Warning? Or One-Off?

May 31, 2013

With Tesla turning the corner, what does the implosion of Better Place means for the EV industry?

Utilities Come Out Swinging on Distributed Solar

May 31, 2013

Utilities won't take a "mortal threat" to their business model lying down.

Khosla: Sticking with Cleantech “Takes Guts”

May 31, 2013

The legendary venture capitalist describes why he continues to make big bets and personally backs some cleantech investments.

Start-Up Bolsters Energy Efficiency Investing

May 31, 2013

VC backed Noesis Energy's new service matches investors with energy efficiency projects and develops industry standard metrics.

Indian Cleantech VC Fund Debuts with $14 Million

May 31, 2013  |  1 Comment

Mumbai-based Infuse Ventures plans to raise $25 million and invest in clean technology and sustainable energy enterprises.