Energy Storage

This Week’s Cleantech Venture Fundings

November 15, 2013

Khosla Impact Invests $1.5M in BBox; Solicore Raises $4M Series A; Ledzworld Raises $5M; SmartThings Raises $12.5M Series A; Servergy Raises $20M Series C

NREL Re-envisioning Electric Vehicle Batteries

November 1, 2013

ARPA-E announced a $36 million investment in transformational EV storage projects, including NREL’s highly improved EV flow batteries.

BNEF/EEVS Report: Large Corporates Dominate Among Energy-Efficiency Consumers, Lighting Dominates Among Tech

October 18, 2013

Large corporates lead in energy efficiency projects, as compared to small firms, with longer payback expectations and more funds coming from in-house sources.

Newly Funded Energy Storage Projects Show Promise

October 4, 2013

As clean energy grows globally, so, too, does the need to find ways to store it. Governments and corporations are backing a number of new storage breakthroughs.

Betting Big on Battery Breakthroughs to Reduce Cost

July 31, 2013

Argonne National Lab scientists shed light on big developments in battery storage that move beyond solid state.

GreatPoint Ventures VC and Engineer Outlines “Energy’s Triple Crown”

July 26, 2013

In the ever-shifting ranking of the most promising areas of cleantech, Aaron Mandell names the top three that hold huge opportunities for ambitious entrepreneurs.

New York Makes $23M Investment in Energy Storage Hub

July 26, 2013

The launch of a test center in New York will commercialize new storage solutions just in time for FERC Order 784, a big step forward for grid storage.

Regulation Boosts Storage Adoption, Breakthroughs

June 14, 2013

Building owners and utilities are increasingly taking advantage of investment and subsidies, while cheaper new storage technologies are getting funded.

Investors Gorge on Energy Storage Buffet

May 23, 2013

From lithium ion and compressed air to gravel ski lifts, electricity storage investment heats up.