#1: VC’s Weigh In on Collaborative Consumption’s Growing Pains
Venture investors in the sharing economy reveal how they decipher real problems from temporary ones. Top story of 2013.
Venture investors in the sharing economy reveal how they decipher real problems from temporary ones. Top story of 2013.
Cleanweb insiders: It’s not too late to invest in “the most powerful technology of our lifetimes.” Top story of 2013.
Clean transportation, big data, clean water, and agriculture are major investment themes with non-traditional institutional investors.
Venture-backed Choose Energy eyes huge growth for its service in deregulated energy markets, acquires Power2Switch.
At a speed-dating event for cleantech VC’s and entrepreneurs, top investors share the snap judgments that distinguish winning companies from also-rans.
As more data is generated from smart meters, utilities feel that increased data analytics capabilities will be key to improving reliability, efficiency and better customer engagement, according to IDC’s study of North American utilities.
Bringing cleantech to buildings is notoriously more difficult than it seems. Four experts clear away the weeds and reveal the biggest opportunities for adoption in the green building...
New car sharing programs in Paris and Seoul can pave the way for global adoption of electric vehicles.
New access to energy data sparks opportunities for startups and investors, says clean energy thought leaders.