Refining Alternative Fuels Innovators into Winners and Losers
Published on 12/21/2011
Report Summary:
The alternative fuels industry is rapidly approaching maturity: with IPOs and commercialization sharing headlines with failures and cheap acquisitions. Though several of the companies are finding partners, funding, and scale, serious uncertainty – and therefore opportunity – remains. A thorough examinatiobn of the field identifies contenders,dark horses, and long-shots. To inform decisions involving the diverse field of alternative fuels developers, we applied the Lux Innovation Grid, a tool that ranks companies on business execution, technical value, and maturity. We split the field into nine categories: pretreatment, bioprocessing, gasification, pyrolysis, torrefaction, catalytic conversion, crop modification, algae cultivation, and other technologies. Each individual grid allows readers to capitalize on the most promising opportunities for partnership and investment in the space, and drive growth in the developing alternative fuels industry.